Nine Additional Cases Of The COVID-19 Delta Variant Confirmed

Nine new cases of the COVID-19 Delta Variant of Concern have been confirmed in Trinidad and Tobago.

This brings the total number of cases of the COVID-19 Delta Variant which have been confirmed for Trinidad and Tobago to 26.

The Ministry of Health says of the nine new cases, three (one Non-National and two Nationals) were crew members on board a vessel. These persons were not allowed to disembark and spent their period of isolation on the vessel.

One case is a National who recently travelled to Trinidad from Dubai via Miami, while five other cases were found locally in persons with no recent history of travel.

The presence of the Delta variant was confirmed on Thursday night and was done via gene sequencing at the laboratory of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies.

All patients have been placed in isolation, contact tracing, testing and quarantining of contacts have also been initiated.

* The following is the statement by the Ministry of Health:

The Ministry of Health advises the population that on the night of 30th September, 2021, Trinidad and Tobago confirmed 9 new cases of the COVID-19 Delta Variant of Concern.

This brings the total number of cases of the COVID-19 Delta Variant which have been confirmed for Trinidad and Tobago to 26.

3 cases (1 non-national and 2 nationals) were crew members on board a vessel. These persons were not allowed to disembark and spent their period of isolation on the vessel.
1 case is a national who recently travelled to Trinidad from Dubai via Miami.
5 other cases were found locally in persons with no recent history of travel.

The presence of the Delta variant was confirmed via gene sequencing at the laboratory of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies.

All patients have been placed in isolation until the enhanced discharge criteria for persons with COVID-19 Variants of Concern is achieved. Contact tracing, testing and quarantining of contacts have also been initiated.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), there have been confirmed cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19 in 185 countries. Research has suggested that the Delta variant is more easily spread from person to person as compared to previous variants (estimated to be 2 to 4 times more transmissible than the original Wuhan lineage of the virus). Additionally, evidence indicates that individuals who have contracted this variant may be prone to an increased risk of severe illness and hospitalization. This variant may also lead to an increase in cases of COVID-19 in younger age groups and in those who have been previously infected.

The Ministry of Health urges everyone who is eligible, including those aged 12 to 18, to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus as soon as possible.

Additionally, members of the public are reminded to follow all of the recommended personal health protective measures, even if they are fully vaccinated:
• Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when you go out in public
• Keep your distance from others (6 feet)
• Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
• Stay home if you are ill
• Cough into a tissue or into the crook of your elbow
• Avoid touching your face
• Sanitize hard surfaces (e.g. table tops, hand rails, door knobs and trolleys) as often as possible.

WHO approved COVID-19 vaccines are safe, they are effective and they are available in Trinidad and Tobago. The public is encouraged to visit the Ministry of Health’s website ( as well as the social media pages of the Ministry of Health and the Regional Health Authorities for further information on COVID-19 vaccination.

– Ministry of Health

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