Divali Artwork On Display At Mille Fleurs

The historic Mille Fleurs, part of the Magnificent Seven, built 116 years ago, now houses the National Trust.

The building, the Trust says, is ideally to be placed at the disposal of the nation for special events, private as well as public. Business Development and Marketing Coordinator for the National Trust, Graham Suite, says they are celebrating being housed at Mille Fleurs. He explains that it is not to be seen as a building, out of the reach of citizens.

For its inaugural celebrations, the Trust is also displaying the work of several young artists who decorated the main light bearing tool of Divali – the deya.

As well, the Trust will display the works of youth who competed in their contest called “Is Me.” If you would like to visit the beautiful house and art, an appointment can be made online from the Mille Fleurs website.

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