Safe Zones For Barbados

The people of Barbados will either have to get the COVID-19 vaccine or be subjected to frequent PCR tests.

Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley on Monday announced the creation of Safe Zones during a national address and COVID-19 update.

The Barbados Government has stated there will be no mandatory vaccination policy in place, but people in high-risk environments will be subject to these conditions.

Prime Minister Mottley said her administration decided against further lockdowns – and added that it was now necessary to protect those who are taking the vaccine.

Prime Minister Mottley said her Government will pay for the tests in the public sector.

She said the creation of these Safe Zones will first target care workers in the first instance, followed by frontline workers, along with those in the tourism and education sectors.

Here at home, Safe Zones were officially opened to fully vaccinated members of the public on Monday.

The Safe Zones are restaurants, bars, cinemas and theatres, gyms and wellness studios, waterparks, and private members clubs.

Currently in Trinidad and Tobago, persons who are not fully vaccinated cannot enter a Safe Zone.

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