Ministry of Health’s Virtual Media Conference – Wednesday 24th August 2022

  • Principal Medical Officer of Institutions, Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards in sharing an update on the parallel healthcare system, stated that the current occupancy was at 43% with 237 persons currently in hospital for COVID-19. Dr Richards further elaborated that of that number 215 patients are severely/critically ill with the remaining 22 recovering in step down facilities.
  • Dr Richards also indicated that between the 22nd July and the 17th August, 80% of all severely/critically ill patients admitted were not fully vaccinated.
  • Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh provided an update on T&T’s Monkeypox situation and shared that to date, 12 samples have been sent for testing with all returning negative. The Ministed added that sample number 13 is currently being tested with the hopes that it will return negative as well.
  • Minister Deyalsingh urged parents to take advantage of the COVID-19 vaccines for the 5-11 age group as they will be expiring on October 31st, making the final day for 1st doses, September 30th.
  • The Health Minister also shared the expiry dates for other vaccine brands : 247,583 Sinopharm vaccines remaining, expiring June 2023. 186,285 Johnson & Johnson vaccines remaining, expiring May & July 2023.
  • When responding to a question regarding the criteria for Monkeypox testing, Minister Deyalsingh indicated that testing is based on symptomatic presentations, for example, skin lesions.
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