TTPS Extends Condolences On The Death Of WPC Anisa Khan

Acting Commissioner of Police, McDonald Jacob, and the executive of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) are extending condolences to the family and colleagues of No. 8498 Woman Police Constable Anisa Falina Khan.

She died at 3:30pm yesterday at the Couva Medical and Multi-Training Facility after battling the Covid-19 virus for the last ten days.

WPC Khan, 35, was last attached to the Cunupia Police Station and dedicated eight years to the Police Service.

Her colleagues describe her as determined, willing, and always helpful. She continually strived to do her best and was a person they could depend on for anything. She was loving and caring both at home and at work.

WPC Khan leaves to mourn her husband, Hemraj Persad, her two sons, Arjun, and newborn baby, Ariaan, her daughter Avaana, her parents, Latiff and Ashmoon, her brother, Rennie, and sister, Arianna.

She became the 14th Police Officer to die from Covid-19.


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